Day 1 and 2 (Typically Fri/Sat)
The Night Before Each Opening Ceremony
- Find your Event Coordinator
- Ask for the finalized version of the script (if you don’t already have it)
- Ask if there is anything about the plan for opening ceremony that you should know about
- If there’s a performer for the national anthem, coordinate a time that the performer should do a quick mic check with you
- Check all videos in the script
- Sit down at the AV cart and go through the script, we recommend highlighting or circling any videos so they’re easy to see
- As you come across each video, find it in Google Drive and drag it in to vMix. Check that it plays
- If there is a performer for the national anthem, be sure to turn off sound for the American flag video
- If you can’t find any videos, reach out to the #av-help channel on Slack
- Save your vMix config
Before 8:00a.m.
- Turn on projector
- Have extra 4 AA batteries on hand for mics
- Test sound – mics, field sound, DJ
- Check organization of Opening videos
- Test video playback for ALL videos
- If there’s a performer for the national anthem, do a mic check with them
- Have them sing a few bars, make sure their volume is not too high or too low, write down that level so you can easily get back to it once the opening ceremony is in progress
- Start sponsor input
- Start live stream
- Follow script
Match Play
- Ensure operation – stream running, cameras running, etc.
Before going home
- Stop the stream
- Save your vMix config
- See The Night Before Each Opening Ceremony
- See Friday’s Before 8:00am
- Different Opening script/videos
- Awards
- Chairman Video
- The Judge Advisor will give this to you on a flash drive, be sure to copy it to the computer before dragging it into vMix
- Test the playback in vMix, but ensure no sound or video go out on the live stream or to the projector, and be aware of anyone who can see over your shoulder. The winner is confidential until the moment it is announced by the emcee during the awards ceremony. The emcee will cue you to play it.
Packing up
Pack everything up using Hardware Photos as a reference.